Take care of your health easily and conveniently from home

Easy early detection through preventive care at home

Discover our preventive tests for a healthier life. From prostate and colon to HPV and thrombosis risk tests, we offer you the opportunity to detect health risks at an early stage. Protect yourself with regular check-ups and actively do something for your health.

About home tests for health care
  • Darmkrebsvorsorge

    Jetzt bestellen 

    Testet auf:

    ✓ Okkultes Blut im Stuhl

    Für wen eignet sich der Test?

    ✓ Personen ab 50 Jahren

    ✓ Menschen mit familiärer Vorgeschichte von Darmkrebs

    ✓ Personen mit chronisch-entzündlichen Darmerkrankungen

    45 €

    Jetzt bestellen 
  • HPV

    Für Frauen
    Jetzt bestellen 

    Testet auf:

    ✓ HPV Risikotypen (16, 18, 31, 33, 35, 39, 45, 51, 52, 56, 58 und 59)

    Für wen eignet sich der Test?

    ✓ Frauen ab 30 Jahren

    ✓ Frauen mit einer Vorgeschichte von Gebärmutterhals

    ✓ Frauen mit viel wechselnden Sexualpartnern

    85 €

    Jetzt bestellen 
  • PSA

    Für Männer
    Jetzt bestellen 

    Testet auf:

    ✓ Gesamt-PSA-Wert

    Für wen eignet sich der Test?

    ✓ Männer ab 50 Jahren

    ✓ Männer mit familiärer Vorgeschichte von Prostatakrebs

    ✓ Männer mit Symptomen, die auf Prostataprobleme hindeuten

    44,90 €

    Jetzt bestellen 
  • Blutzucker (HbA1c)

    Jetzt bestellen 

    Testet auf:

    ✓ HbA1c

    Für wen eignet sich der Test?

    ✓ Personen mit Verdacht auf Diabetes

    ✓ Personen mit Übergewicht, Bluthochdruck, familiärer Vorgeschichte von Diabetes

    35 €

    Jetzt bestellen 

Our test for colon cancer screening

With our colon cancer test (iFOBT) you can easily and conveniently check from home whether there are signs of colon cancer in you.

You have control over your data. You decide who can see your results.

The results are only made available to you in the DoctorBox app. If you would like to share your results with your doctor, you can share them via our app.

In our app you will receive your results visualized and with further information on the respective topic.

Discover the risk of HPV early

Our HPV home test identifies high-risk types of the virus linked to cervical cancer. Take care of your health with a simple and confidential test at home.

Because prevention also affects men

Detect prostate cancer early. Our simple home prostate screening test makes it possible.

This is what Felix says about our PSA test

"There is a certain inhibition threshold with the doctor ... The PSA test at home is quick, easy and discreet," says Felix W.

Keep an eye on your blood sugar

The HbA1c home test. Easy to use and reliable results for your diabetes prevention.

Your values ​​always at a glance

Track the development of your values ​​over time to identify trends and document progress. We automatically adjust the reference values ​​to your age group so that you always know exactly how your values ​​are developing in comparison to the norms. Stay informed and proactive to keep an optimal eye on your health.

Discover our comprehensive collection of sampling kits for your healthcare needs

FAQ Preventive sampling kits

Frequently asked questions from customers about care and prevention